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Solution to Day 4 of 7 Days of JS

Solution to Day 4 of 7 Days of JS

  • JavaScript
  • Challenge
  • Lautaro Lobo
  • 02 Dec, 2019

So, first the shortest solution:

function reverseString(string) \{
  return string.split('').reverse().join('');


I’ve used 3 methods here: split(), reverse() and join(). The split method turns the string into an array of characters, then I use the reverse method, that reverses (duh) the array, and then I take the array of characters and make it look again like a string.

Then I cracked my head up to make it work with a for loop:

function reverseString(string) \{
  let length = string.length - 1;
  let output = '';
  for (let i = length; i >= 0; i--)
    output += string[i];
  return output;


And also implemented this same algorithm as a while loop:

function reverse(string) \{
  let output = '';
  let i = string.length - 1;
  while (i >= 0)\{
    output += string[i];
  return output;


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